Anyone gotten as burned out by this question as I have?
Don't get me wrong - I actually love to cook. I just don't love planning the menu all the time. And, although everyone has their two cents to put in once dinner is on the table, I can't seem to get their input when I'm in the menu planning stage. UGH! Every week it's the same!
So, I decided I needed to somehow put a creative spin on the process.
This past spring I took a mini-course in chalkboard art. I made this cute sign for my son's high school graduation party,
and this one for our church youth mission team send-off party,
and this one for when my two young missionaries came back to the nest.
When I came across a cute framed chalkboard for my kitchen, I knew I had the answer for both kicking my menu planning boredom AND getting my kids to stop asking me that dreaded question every night.
Love it! And, best of all, it works!!