I realize it's been AGES since I posted and this will hardly qualify as living the creative life ... but what's a girl to do. Been busy with life these days.
This was a super cute Make-and-Take project that 7Gypsies did at the recent CHA convention in California. They kindly posted instructions and the calendar pages for download on their website. I just happened to have all the supplies needed to make one for myself. Such a gypsy, aren't I?
Saw this idea on Heidi Swapp's blog. She'd done this really simple digital kit for a cute banner and I knew my girls would LOVE it if I dolled up the house a bit for Valentine's Day. So here's mine. I found some cute pink damask file folders in the dollar section at Michaels and used those for the base of each little pennant. Ruffled some crepe paper and printed tissue paper, inked and trimmed a bit. Cute, I think, and the girls did love it.
So, beyond these two mini "lifts" I have done very little creative lately. I have been trying to keep up with the kids after school activities as well as keep up the ho-hum household stuff. We're also jumping back into house hunting mode now that the holidays are over. I'm finding that my focus is on creating a future home for us more than creating lovely art projects. However ... keep checking in. I think some creative things may crop up every now and then. I do try!
Thanks for looking.